Thursday 27 March 2014

Economic Connections (2)

This source is a map of Singapore and other nearby countries/islands before the 1800's. This map also shows where the artefacts were found. This map also explains how people got to Singapore by using the map to come and trade with Singapore traders, thus explaining there were economic connections between Singapore and other countries before 1800.

Friday 21 March 2014


This source shows ancient Chinese Coins, which was found also at Fort Canning, and the coins dated back to the Tang Dynasty, and it was made in China, used by many people, including the Royal members of the royal family, and was made with fine metals. It was found in Singapore, which proves that China people, traders, came to Singapore to trade these Chinese coins, and also share their lifestyle, the coins they use with Singaporeans.

Political Connections (2)

This source shows a broken blue and white porcelain cup, an artefact, found at Fort Canning, and has blue designs and patterns finely crafted on them, and it might have dated back to the dynasties in china, thousands of years ago. As this cup could have costed a lot, it could have only been owned by the Chinese elite, most probably the royal family of China, and they could have came to Singapore to trade with the king, or the royal family members, thus it concludes there were political connections between China and Singapore.

Political Connections

This source shows a headless man sitting on a horse, which is made out of lead, the only ancient lead artefact found in South-East Asia, and it was found at Fort Canning. As it was made of lead, it could have been very expensive last time, thus only the very rich like royal families could afford it, but it wasn't stated where this artefact originated from, but we could conclude that royal families came to Singapore to trade with the king, the royal family members of Singapore.

(Done by: Sean Loke)

Economic Connections

This source, an artefact, is a gold ornament with a design of a Hindu God, most likely Kala, the Goddess of Destruction. It was found at Fort Canning. There could probably have been economic connections between Singapore and India as the amulet was found in Singapore, and probably rich traders from India came to Singapore to trade with Singaporean traders as the ornament has a design of a Hindu God on it, so very skilled craftsmen from India could also have crafted this fine ornament, and selling it to the Indian traders.

(done by: Gwyneth)